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Customers' reviews

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Alhema de Queiles Arbequina 500 ml

Average rating:
49 reviews
Joao Azeitao
Boa surpresagood surprise

Boa surpresa.
É raro eu encontrar um azeite que me agrade.
Neste caso fiquei completamente rendido.
Agora não sei como hei-de o comprar aqui em Portugal.

Good surprise. It is rare that I find an oil that pleases me. In this case I completely surrendered. Excellent! Now I do not know how I will buy it here in Portugal.

March 6, 2016
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Domingo S.
Regensburg, Deutschland
Top OlivenölTop olive oil

Sehr gut, war als Zugabe zur Paletilla dabei, die ebenfalls super war.

Very good, was as adding it to Paletilla which was also great.

February 15, 2016
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Sehr gutes OlivenölVery good olive oil

Eine Entdeckung !
Als passionierter Olivenölkonsument kann ich nur sagen: Spitze !
Besonders der niedrige Säuregehalt hat mich überrascht. Herrlich sanft und nussig. Hoffentlich machen die spanischen Produzenten nicht denselben Fehler wie ihre französischen Mitbewerber und bleiben ihrerseits vernüftig im Preis.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn IBERGOUR dieses Öl zukünftig in seine Produktliste aufnehmen würde. Man kann IBERGOUR nur gratulieren, wie (fast) immer eine gute Nase bei der Entdeckung eines Spitzenproduktes.

A discovery! As an avid consumer of olive oil, I can only say: top! Especially the low acidity surprised me. Wonderfully soft and nutty. Hopefully make the Spanish producers are not the same mistake as their French competitors and remain for their part in very sensible price. I would be glad if IBERGOUR would take this oil in the future in its product list. One can congratulate, as (almost) always a good nose for the discovery of a top product. IBERGOUR only

December 3, 2015
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De Smet Eric.
Dilbeek Belgique
Bon oille douxGood sweet oil

Très bon oille doux pas trot prononcer idéale sur le pain avec du jambon.
Agréable odeur.Bien costistant.

Very good oil gentle trot decide not ideal on bread with ham. Pleasant smell. Although costistant.

November 20, 2015
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Muy bienvery good

El producto muy bueno, el transporte nos lo entrego a las 15,00 horas, una hora perfecta sin necesidad de ir a buscar la paletilla a ningun sitio

Very good product, I give us transport at 15.00, a perfect time without fetching anywhere shoulder

November 14, 2015
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Livraison impeccable. Huile correcte, à apprécier avec du pain ou en sauce
Goût délicieux, à recommencer sans problème

Impeccable delivery. Correct oil, to enjoy with bread or sauce delicious taste, to start again without problems

July 20, 2015
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It's ok for a free oneIt's ok for a free one

First time I choose the oil as gift. It's ok, nothing special to be honest. It's a gift at the end, I'm happy with it.

First time I choose the oil as gift. It's ok, nothing special to be honest. It's a gift at the end, I'm happy with it.

June 30, 2015
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Caserta, Italia
OttimoVery Well

Ricevuto un paio di volte in omaggio con l'acquisto di un prosciutto. Veramente ottimo. Ho visto il prezzo per curiosità, non è economico, ma a mio modesto avviso può valere la spesa.

Received a couple of times free with purchase of a ham. Really good. I saw the price of curiosity, not cheap, but in my humble opinion can be worth the expense.

January 24, 2015
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idéal pour les saladesideal for salads

Huile être bon pour les vinaigrettes et pour assaisonner les salades. Avec le jambon......uffff a mourir. Une tranche de jambon, un peu de tomate le tout sur une tranche de pain légèrement grille, et pour finir un filet de cet huile... le paradis est plus proche que nous imaginons!!!!

Oil be good for salad dressings and for seasoning salads. With ham ...... uffff to die. A slice of ham, a little tomato all on a slightly grid slice of bread, and finally a net oil ... this paradise is closer than we imagine !!!!

December 26, 2014
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Bergamo Italia

Pur amando gli oli italiani da quello del Garda o del lago di Iseo, passando dai toscani , pugliesi o siciliani, devo dire che quest' olio è veramente eccezzionale, sapore pieno e delicato .

While loving oils Italian than the Garda or Lake Iseo, going from Tuscany, Puglia and Sicily, I have to say that this' oil is truly exceptional, full flavor and delicate.

December 20, 2014
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Anzio Italia
olio eccezionaleexceptional oil

Un olio di qualità con un gusto delicato. Si abina con ogni piatto senza essere invadente. Il servizio preciso e veloce.Veramente un ottimo acquisto. Da ripetere.

A quality oil with a delicate taste. It abina with any dish without being intrusive. The service veloce.Veramente accurate and a very good buy. To be repeated.

September 13, 2014
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My favourite oil

Title says it all really. I like Spanish olive oils in general as I find them more delicate, this one is particularly good and organic as well.

June 26, 2014
Paris, Francia

Excelente aceite de oliva. La primera vez lo escogí porque lo regalaban con el jamón. Ahora compro tres cada vez que hago un pedido :-)

Excellent olive oil. The first time I picked it because I feasted on ham. Now buy three every time I order :-)

March 7, 2014
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France, Fontainebleau
Bonne huile pour saladeGood salad oil

Une bonne huile, peu acre et bien parfumée, idéale pour les salades. C'est un bon rapport qualité/prix.

Good oil, little acre and well scented, ideal for salads. This is a good quality / price ratio.

February 24, 2014
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Tarifa, Cádiz
Aceite de muy buena calidadOil of very good quality

Es la primera vez que compro en ibergour y estoy muy satisfecho. Entrega rápida,y venía como obsequio con un jamón que compré, el embalaje excelente pues venía la lata recubierta de bolsas de aire y el aceite está exquisito. Sin lugar a duda volveré a comprar en Ibergour. Gracias

It's the first time buyer in IberGour and I'm very satisfied. Fast delivery, and came as a gift with a ham that I bought, came as the excellent packaging tin coated air bags and the oil is exquisite. Without a doubt I will be buying IberGour. Thanks

December 15, 2013
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Légère mais goûteuseLight but tasty

Une très bonne huile d'olive que j'utilise à cru pour les salades. Son goût n'est ni trop fort ni trop léger. Sa boîte métal (même pour le conditionnement d'un litre) conserve sa pureté à l'huile d'olive.
La prochaine fois je pense prendre le conditionnement de taille supérieure car elle se conserve parfaitement.

A very good olive that I use raw oil for salads. Its taste is neither too strong nor too light. Its metal box (even for the packaging of a liter) retains its purity olive oil. I think next time take conditioning larger because it keeps perfectly.

November 28, 2013
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excellent produit
gout subtil, caractère.
parfait à mon gout.
ce n'est pas mon premier achat.
Evitez de faire cuire bien entendu , en assaisonnement extra.

excellent product subtle taste, character. perfect for my taste. this is not my first purchase. Avoid cooking course, extra seasoning.

October 7, 2013
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Holger Jankowski
Wuppertal, Deutschland
Klasse ÖlClass oil

Klasse Öl, dass ich nur wärmstens weiterempfehlen kann. Pikant scharfer Abgang, der lange anhält.
Passt hervorragend zu Bellota und Manchego etc.. Dieses Öl wird seinen Stammplatz in der Küche bekommen.
Einfach probieren.

Class oil that only I can recommend highly. Spicy spicy finish that lasts long. Goes well with Bellota and Manchego etc.. This oil will get his place in the kitchen. Just try it.

June 24, 2013
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Muy buenoVery good

Se trata de un aceite con mucho cuerpo, con tonos de color verdosos.
al paladar tiene un gusto característico muy adecuado para acompañar cualquier buen jamón o paletilla!

This is an oil-bodied, with shades of green. the palate has a characteristic taste very suitable to accompany any good ham or shoulder!

January 10, 2013
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Bon produit !Good product!

Excellent sur un poisson, juste avant de servir, sur des crudités, un peu de soleil au coeur de l'hiver !!

Excellent with fish just before serving on vegetables, a little sun in the middle of winter!

January 3, 2013
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Horst Matheis
Horst Matheis

das Öl ist hervorragend - vor allem für Salate - zum Braten zu schade - Abwicklung und Lieferung wie beim letzten mal schnell und zuverlässig

The oil is excellent - especially for salads - for frying too bad - processing and delivery as last time quickly and reliably

July 2, 2012
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bec verseur nul..
par contre très bon produit que je ne connaissais pas, douce fruitée pas acide, onctueuse
à consommer du plus naturellement possible.

spout nil .. by cons great product that I did not know, not sweet fruity acid, creamy eating as naturally as possible.

May 31, 2012
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München, Deutschland
OlivenölOlive oil

Das Oliveröl ist von sehr gute Produktqualität. Hervorzuheben ist der Versand, da ich zu einem festen Termin die Lieferung erst haben wollte. Anbieter ist bestens zu empfehlen.

The Oliver oil is of very good quality product. Noteworthy is the shipping, because I have a fixed date, the delivery is wanted. Provider is to recommend the best.

January 7, 2012
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fuentes rosie
fuentes rosie
près de limoges
pour moi la meilleure jamais goûtée !for me the best ever tasted!

Fruitée, légèrement verte, pas du tout acide, ni amère, un pur bonheur des papilles !! Je la recommande sur les crudités, ou sur une tartine de pain complet frotté à la tomate. Je ne la ferais pas cuire car elle est bien trop subtile, ce serait dommage de la gâcher.

Fruity, slightly green, not at all acid or bitter taste of pure happiness! I recommend the salad, or a slice of bread rubbed with tomato. I do not cook because it would be too subtle, it would be a shame to waste it.

January 4, 2012
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Muy bueno en las tostadasVery good on toast

Excelente aceite aunque un excesivo sabor almendrado. Yo lo utilizo para desayunar con las tostadas y me quedo muy satisfecho.

Excellent but excessive oil almond flavor. I use it for breakfast with toast and am very satisfied.

December 17, 2011
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Molto buonoVery good

L'ho ricevuto in omaggio con una spalla Joselito. Già l'avevo provato quindi non posso far altro che riconfermare la mia opinione: molto buono. Servizio come sempre impeccabile.

I received free with a shoulder Joselito. I had already tried so I can not do nothing but confirm my opinion: Very good. Service as always impeccable.

November 28, 2011
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buonissimovery good

Mi e' piaciuto tanto. Sapore dolce e gentile. Perfetto per bruschette. Meglio di tanti altri che ho provato....Lo prendero ancora.

And I 'loved it so much. Sweet and gentle. Perfect for bruschetta. Better than many others I have tried .... It will take more.

October 31, 2011
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Eric O.
Excellent oil

I received this oil as a gift and I do recognise it is a valuable gift. The oil has a complex nose and smooth taste, a natural green colour, good to enjoy.

October 13, 2011
Una bellezaA beauty

Este Aceite es simplemente el mejor que conozco para cualquier comida fria. No hay duda que su sabor es unico.

This oil is simply the best I know of for any cold food. There is no doubt that the taste is unique.

July 5, 2011
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Dublin, Ireland
Very good

This oil have some special kind of aroma to it which makes your salads to feel even more fresh. Might not be suitable for hot dishes, though.
I've got it as a present with ham, but will order more separately.

May 21, 2011
muy buenovery good

Muy buen sabor, excelente para comer en crudo, yo lo utilizo para las tostadas del desayuno. Se agradece que ofrezcan este tipo de productos como regalo aparte del jamonero.

Very good flavor, excellent for eating raw, I use it for breakfast toast. We thank offering products such as gift apart from the ham.

May 4, 2011
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Un délice!Delicious!

Le bac verseur du bidon métallique n'est pas très pratique mais l'huile est excellente: goût subtil, pas acide, c'est une merveille juste avec du pain!

The spout of the can metal tray is not very practical but the oil is excellent, subtle taste, not sour, it is a wonder with just bread!

April 10, 2011
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Huile d'Olive Vierge Extra ALHEMA DE QUEILESExtra Virgin Olive Oil ALHEMA OF Queiles

ce petit cadeau joint à l'achat d'une épaule fût fort agréable, cette huile est très gouteuse.
j'en achèterai lors d'une prochaine commande.

this little gift attached to the purchase of a shoulder was very pleasant, this oil is very tasty. I will buy at a future order.

March 25, 2011
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Valencia, España
Suave, suave, rico, ricoSoft, soft, rich, rich

Un aceite sublime. Puro oro líquido. Increíble en ensaladas. El mejor amigo del excepcional jamón que se puede adquirir en esta página o de un buen queso.

A sublime oil. Pure liquid gold. Great on salads. The best friend of exceptional ham that can be purchased on this website or a good cheese.

March 6, 2011
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Olio ottimoGood oil

Ho preso quest'olio in sostituzione del jamonero e devo dire che è stata una vera sorpresa!!! Spedizione perfetta come al solito!!!

I took this oil in place of jamonero and I must say it was a real surprise! Ships perfect as usual!

March 4, 2011
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Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgique
Belle découverte.Beautiful discovery.

On savait les huiles d'olives espagnoles de qualité, mais celle-ci fut une agréable découverte.
Saveur douce et fruitée, sans excès. Onctuosité remarquable et peu acide.
Une merveille, à cru, sur une salade, une mozzarella ou du pain au levain grillé, frotté à la tomate et
garnie de copeaux de serrano "pata negra".
Encore merci pour ce petit cadeau qui accompagnait le jambon que j'avait commmandé.
Il ne reste plus qu'à inscrire cet article à votre catalogue, je suis preneur.

We knew the Spanish olive oil quality, but it was a pleasant discovery. Sweet and fruity, without excess. Remarkable smoothness and low acidity. A marvel, bareback, on a salad, mozzarella and grilled sourdough bread, rubbed with tomato and topped with shaved serrano "pata negra". Again thank you for this little gift that came with the ham I order Now. It only remains to put the item to your catalog, I'm interested. Sincerely,

February 23, 2011
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Pep Rives
Pep Rives

Extraordinario aceite de oliva, muy suave pero tremendamente aromático. Vale mucho la pena sustituir el jamonero por este preciado manjar!!!!

Extraordinary olive oil, very soft but extremely fragrant. Well worth replacing the ham for this precious treat!!

February 11, 2011
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antonio a.
Castelnuovo Rangone
5 stelle5 stars

Un ottimo olio,non troppo saporito e per niente acido, detto da noi il valore del commento aumenta. Da provare

A good oil, not too spicy and not at all sour, that we increase the value of the comment. To try

February 4, 2011
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Jürgen Link
Jürgen Link
Frankfurt, Deutschland
OlivenölOlive oil

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
das Produkt ist von außergewöhnlicher Güte. Eines der besten Öivenöle die ich bisher verkostet habe. Man kann dieses Öl nur weiterempfehlen.
Die Kaufabwicklumg war hervorragend. Schneller Versand, E-Mailbestätigung in jeder Phase des Kaufes und des Versandes mit punktlicher Rechnung per Mail.
Alles zum Besten !!
Ich werde wieder bei Ibergour bestellen !
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jürgen Link

Ladies and gentlemen, the product is of exceptional quality. One of the best I have ever tasted Öivenöle. One can only recommend this oil. The Kaufabwicklumg was outstanding. Fast shipping, e-mail confirmation in every phase of purchase and shipment punctually with invoice by mail. All the best! I will order again in Ibergour! Best regards Jürgen Link

January 25, 2011
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Excelente para tomar en crudo.Great for taking raw.

Excelente para tomar en crudo. Ideal para ensaladas y "pozos de pan".
yo no lo usaria nunca para freir, se disfruta mas de el en crudo.

Great for taking raw. Ideal for salads and "wells of bread." I never would use it to fry, you can enjoy more of the raw.

January 12, 2011
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Le Vésinet
Très parfuméeVery fragrant

Très bonne huile d'olive que j'ai reçue en cadeau. Elle est très parfumée et on a vraiment le gout des olives noires, ça change des huiles sans goûts !

Very good olive oil that I received as a gift. It is very fragrant and they really have the taste of black olives, this oil without changing tastes!

January 6, 2011
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Nací en la tierra del acceite MARTOSI was born in the land of oil MARTOS

Tengo que agradecer que no sólo tengáis el jamonero y cuchillo como detalle, porque si somos asiduos a unos de vuestros productos, como me pasa a mí, ya me sobraban jamoneros y me ha venido genial el aceite para rociar un platito de jamón y acompañarlo con un huevo frito....¡¡un manjar !!

I have to thank not only the ham and knife you may have an accent, because if we are regulars at some of your products, as happens to me, I left over ham and it has been great to spray oil a plate of ham and accompanied with a fried egg ....¡¡ a delicacy!

December 30, 2010
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Finuca Casado
Me ha gustado muchoI liked it

Es la segunda vez que elijo el aceite en lugar del jamonero. Nunca lo había probado ni visto y en crudo, que es como lo he utilizado, en ensaladas o como aliño de verduras, me ha parecido de muy buena calidad y un gran sabor.
Tengo que agradecer que no sólo tengáis el jamonero y cuchillo como detalle, porque si somos asiduos a unos de vuestros productos, como me pasa a mí, ya me sobraban jamoneros y me ha venido genial el aceite para rociar un platito de jamón y acompañarlo con un huevo frito....¡¡un manjar !!

It is the second time I choose the oil in place of ham. I never tried or seen, and raw, which is how I have used it in salad dressing or vegetables, I found a very good quality and great taste. I have to thank not only the ham and knife you may have an accent, because if we are regulars at some of your products, as happens to me, I left over ham and it has been great to spray oil a plate of ham and accompanied with a fried egg ....¡¡ a delicacy! Greetings.

December 27, 2010
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Smooth taste!

Very good olive oil, smooth taste, not too acid, perfect for salads or fish, but I would not recommend it for meat. I received it as a gift for purchasing an iberico ham and I must say it is a very good gift, Thanks to Ibergour team!!

December 24, 2010
André Bard
André Bard
Une belle huile ...A beautiful oil ...

Bon équilibre entre douceur et amertume. On aime beaucoup. Livraison rapide et sérieuse, le site et les produits sont parfaitement recommandables.

Good balance between sweetness and bitterness. We love you very much. Fast delivery and serious, the site and the products are perfectly commendable.

December 24, 2010
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olio molto buonoVery good oil

Ero curioso di assaggiare quest'olio extravergine e devo dire che è decisamente buono, anche la consegna è stata veramente rapida. Complimenti

I was curious to try this oil virgin, and I must say that it is very good, but the delivery was really fast. Compliments

December 10, 2010
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Rogoff Dimitri
Bayeux France
Belle saveur d'herbe fraiche coupéeBeautiful flavor of freshly cut grass

Bonne huile d'olive, parfaite sur un filet de cabillaud en fin de cuisson.
Une petite pointe d'acidité qui réveille les pailles. Miam !

Good olive oil, perfect on a cod fillet after cooking. A little touch of acidity that wakes up the straw. Yum!

December 5, 2010
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Un aceite excepcional, que encima nos ha llegado de regalo. El mejor acompañamiento para la paletilla 5J que compramos. Muy suave. Perfecto para acompañar al jamón con un poquito de pan tostado y aceite.

A unique oil that has come up as a gift. The best accompaniment to the 5J shoulder we buy. Very smooth. Perfect to accompany the ham with a bit of toast and oil.

December 3, 2010
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j'ai recu une excellente huile a la placeI received an excellent oil instead

j'ai recu une excellente huile a la place du support ,alors je ne m'en plaint pas,j'avais deja un support a jambon et j'ai decouvert une huile fantastique

I received an excellent oil in place of support, then I do not complain, I already support a ham and I discovered a fantastic oil

October 10, 2010
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