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Customers' reviews

"Paleta" D.O. Guijuelo (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" D.O. Guijuelo (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" D.O. Guijuelo (Shoulder Jamon)

£185.825 to 5.5 kg paletillas
Average rating:
34 reviews
Lucky L
Lucky L
quel plaisirwhat a pleasure

Très belle pièce de belle présentation et nous lui avons réservé le meilleur traitement que nous pouvions lui offrir : nous allons la manger !!!
Je n'hésiterai pas à revenir vers vous dans qq temps

Very nice piece of beautiful presentation and we have given it the best treatment we could give it: we are going to eat it!!! I will not hesitate to come back to you in a while

February 3, 2022
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January 15, 2021
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Confidavo in una qualità superiore...delusione!!I was confident in a superior quality ... disappointment !!

Ho acquistato questo jamon dopo aver assaggiato un Joselito e 5J, al fine di valutare la differenza di qualità tra i detti. Devo ammettere che, il prosciutto non era male anche se un po secco ma la differenza abissale sta sopratutto nella quasi assenza o meglio leggere presenza del sapore/aroma di ghianda che si apprezza dal primo boccone di un iberico al 100%.
Molto apprezzato invece, lo sconto del 15%, con cui viene proposto in vendita che, sicuramente invoglia all'acquisto e consente di variare la scelta e magari di trovare il jamon che soddisfa i propri gusti. Appunto per confermare quanto detto e laddove venisse praticato una sconto corposo sarei disposto a ripetere la prova con altro jamon al 75%, in mancanza e senza sconti tornerò a deliziarmi con quelli che sin'ora sono indiscutibilmente i migliori...Joselito e 5J!!

I bought this jamon after tasting a Joselito and 5J, in order to evaluate the difference in quality between the sayings. I must admit that the ham was not bad even if a little dry but the abysmal difference lies above all in the almost absence or rather slight presence of the acorn flavor / aroma that can be appreciated from the first bite of a 100% Iberian. The 15% discount, on the other hand, is much appreciated, with which it is offered for sale, which certainly encourages you to buy and allows you to vary your choice and perhaps find the jamon that satisfies your tastes. Just to confirm what has been said and where a substantial discount is given, I would be willing to repeat the test with another 75% jamon, failing that and without discounts I will return to delight myself with those that so far are unquestionably the best ... Joselito and 5J! !

November 5, 2020
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Rodriguez Jean-Pierre
Grenoble, France
Parfait, produit de très bonne qualitéPerfect, very good quality product

Très content de mon achat.
Le fournisseur est professionnel et sérieux.
La livraison est très rapide.
Je recommanderai à nouveau sans hésitation.

Very happy with my purchase. The supplier is professional and serious. The delivery is very fast. I will recommend again without hesitation.

July 22, 2020
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produit d'excellente qualitéexcellent quality product

Cette épaule a une histoire qui met en valeur la qualité du service commercial d'IBERGOUR. En effet, ma première commande n'est jamais arrivée (le transporteur
l'ayant "egarée". Ibergour très rapidement m'a renvoyé une deuxième épaule par l'intermèdiaire d'un autre transporteur. Celle ci est arrivée à bon port dans les temps.
Cette épaule correspond bien à mon attente. Que du bonheur !!!

This shoulder has a history that highlights the quality of IBERGOUR's commercial service. Indeed, my first order never arrived (the carrier having "lost" it. Ibergour very quickly sent me a second shoulder through another carrier. This one arrived safely in This shoulder corresponds well to my expectations. What happiness !!!

July 4, 2020
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Qualité, produit bien préparé je recommande à tout le monde. le meilleur site pour acheter du patanegra. le produit tranché sous vide est pour moi la meilleure formule

Quality, well prepared product I recommend to everyone. the best site to buy patanegra. the vacuum-sliced product is for me the best formula

May 7, 2020
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En Ubrda (Jaen)
Buena,como esperaba.Good, as expected.

Soy de Salamanca, con familia en Guijuelo, así que ya se como están los jamones y paletas Ibéricos, y ésta que les he comprado responde a la calidad que me esperaba, todos los días corto un poco y a mi hija y a mi nos encanta, así que Gracias, por sus productos y por su buena forma de atender a los clientes.

I am from Salamanca, with family in Guijuelo, so I already know how the Iberian hams and shoulders are, and this one that I have bought responds to the quality that I expected, every day I cut a little and my daughter and I love it, so Thank you, for your products and for your good way of serving customers.

April 25, 2020
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Paris, France

Qualité gustative de très bon niveau avec surtout un très bon rapport qualité prix...

Very good taste quality with especially good value for money ...

April 13, 2020
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jean paul ROY
Aulnay de Saintonge, France
Ibergour c'est du sérieuxIbergour is serious

Rapidité de livraison. Suivi de la commande. Qualité du produit irréprochable. C'est ma deuxième commande. Je "re commande".

Speed ​​of delivery. Tracking the order. Irreproachable product quality. This is my second order. I recommend".

October 25, 2018
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Milano - Italia
Buono peccato fosse poco stagionatoGood pity it was not seasoned

La spalla è arrivata il giorno previsto di consegna.
E' il primo acquisto che faccio e sinceramente el istruzioni sono state molto di aiuto nella preparazione al taglio.
Sono abbastanza soddisfatto dell'acquisto.
Dico abbastanza perché mi aspettavo un prodotto più stagionato: la parte centrale si taglia con un po' di difficoltà proprio per la freschezza delle carni.
Sapore delizioso !

The shoulder arrived on the scheduled day of delivery. It is the first purchase I make and sincerely the instructions have been very helpful in preparing to cut. I'm quite satisfied with the purchase. I say enough because I expected a more seasoned product: the central part is cut with a little 'difficulty because of the freshness of the meat. Delicious taste!

May 11, 2018
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jambon trop sec et tranches trop finesham too dry and slices too thin

Déçu par votre produit trop sec et les tranches beaucoup trop fines je ne pense pas renouveler cette commande.

Disappointed by your product too dry and slices much too fine I do not think to renew this order.

May 6, 2018
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Alain Corneloup
Alain Corneloup
Theizé France
Présentation du produitProduct presentation

C'est très bien de nous livrer le produit coupé, en plusieurs sachets sous-vide mais nous trouvons que les tranches sont coupées trop finement et qu'elles sont difficiles à enlever de leurs emballages , elles collent au plastique.
A Figueras, dans une très grande charcuterie, où nous avons gouté votre fameux jambon pour la première fois, ils nous l'avaient coupé en copeaux beaucoup plus épais et on a préféré.
Malgré ce petit détail votre produit est délicieux .

It is very good to deliver the cut product, in several vacuum bags but we find that the slices are cut too thin and they are difficult to remove from their packaging, they stick to the plastic. In Figueras, in a very large charcuterie, where we tasted your famous ham for the first time, they had cut it into much thicker chips and we preferred. Despite this small detail, your product is delicious.

April 6, 2018
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Qualité au topQuality at the top

Très bonne épaule pas grasse chair tendre parfum en bouche , les os pour un bon bouillon ( risotto)
Livraison rapide et conforme.

Very good shoulder not oily flesh tender perfume in the mouth, bones for a good broth (risotto) Fast and consistent delivery. Thank you

April 5, 2018
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Mazza Enzo
Mazza Enzo
Ottimo,gustoso come sempre buonissimo per palati fini pero un po caro non per tutti.mazza enzo italyGreat, tasty as always delicious for fine palates but a bit pricey not for everyone.mazza enzo italy

Buono come sempre, gustoso ottimo alimento li mangiamo da oltre 20 anni, conosciamo bene il prodotto. Un po caro per palati fini e tasca fina; un po caro però continueremo a comprare per buoni panini e aperitivi.

Good as always, tasty great food we have eaten them for over 20 years we know the product well, it's a bit expensive for fine palates and fine pocket; a bit expensive though we will continue to buy for good sandwiches and aperitifs.

May 29, 2017
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noi lo acquistiamo ormai due volte l'anno. specialmente da quando abbiamo scoperto il prodotto
sottovuoto già affettato.
consiglio di assaggiarlo.
alla direzione chiedo di fare più offerte speciali...

we now buy twice a year. especially since we discovered the vacuum pre-sliced ​​product. advice to taste it. the management ask you to do more specials ... greetings

March 17, 2017
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Nice. France

Je l'ai trouvé un peu trop salé. De plus en le retirant de son en balade il suentait un peu trop

I found it a bit too salty. Also by removing his ride it a little too suentait

January 15, 2015
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Antonio Balangero
Ottimo prodotto, da consigliare!Excellent product, to recommend!

Ottimo prodotto per rapporto qualità - prezzo, lo consiglio anche per il giusto peso ed il buon confezionamento utilizzato.Riproverò certamente qualche altro tipo di vostro prosciutto.

Great product for price - quality ratio, I recommend him for the proper weight and good packaging utilizzato.Riproverò certainly some other type of your ham.

June 1, 2012
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Trop salé, des parties de la noix carrément sèches et un goût qui manque de caractère. On n'est pas au niveau d'un bellota de Guijuelo.

Too salty, parts of the walnut altogether dry and taste that lacks character. We are not at a bellota Guijuelo.

October 16, 2011
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Julian Camison
Julian Camison
Mas facil imposibleMore easy impossible

Ideal para los que vivimos fuera de España, todo perfecto y el jamon muy bueno,en el proximo pedido ampliaremos la compra a otros productos

Ideal for those who live outside Spain, all perfect and the ham very well, in the next order the purchase will expand to other products

February 28, 2011
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La paletilla esta muy buena, tiene su curación adecuada y tanto el sabor como todo lo demás está en su punto, pero el pedido que yo les hice fue de Guijuelo y la enviada es de Ledrada, esto es otro pueblo.

The shoulder is very good, is healing properly and both the taste and everything else is at their best, but the request was that I made them and sent Guijuelo Ledrada is, this is another village.

December 29, 2010
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lyon (France)

Compte tenu de la réputation de ce jambon et de nos expériences passées d'autres catégories de pata negra, celui ci nous a paru bon, assez gouteux mais un peu trop salé.

Given the reputation of this ham and our past experiences of other categories of pata negra, this one we felt good, quite tasty but a bit too salty.

December 20, 2010
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Karlsruhe, Deutschland
gut aber etwas zu salzig für meinen Geschmackgood but a little too salty for my taste

ich hatte bereits 3 Schinken Bellota "Extremadura". Diese waren im Vergleich nicht so salzig und für mich der bessere Kauf!

I already had three Bellota ham "Extremadura". These were compared not so salty, and for me the better buy!

July 15, 2010
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ermando iacono
ermando iacono
ischia, italia

Premesesso che da italiano adoro il prosciutto italiano, devo dire che la spalla che ho compreto è davvero ottima. ho iniziato a tagliarla con l'unghia verso il basso visto che il consumo è lungo e la primissima parte era un pò asciutta. ma dopo un pò è venuto fuori un prodotto davvero ottimo nonostante il grasso.La spedizione e l'assistenza alla spedizione è stata ottima.

Premesesso that I love Italian Italian ham, I must say that the shoulder area complete that I have is really good. I started to cut the nail down because the consumer is long and the very first part was a little dry. but after a while it turned out to be very good despite the grasso.La dispatch and dispatch service was excellent.

June 8, 2010
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Leipzig, Deutschland
Einfach KlasseEasy class

Gute Informationen auf Web-Site
Einfache Bestellung
Faire Preise
Schnelle Lieferung
Ausgezeichneter Schinken von hervorragender Qualität, einfach ein Genuss!!!
Sehr empfehlenswert

Good information Web Site Easy to order Fair Prices Fast Delivery Excellent ham of excellent quality, just a delight! Highly recommended

May 18, 2010
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Nigel Davey
Nigel Davey
Devon UK
An excellent product

This was my first purchase of a Bellota Shoulder, and it was fantastic! I have tried the basic Serrano Jamon lots of times as I am a regular visitor to Spain, but this was something else. Nothing could have prepared me for the taste sensation I experienced. I am now hopelessly addicted to Bellota Jamon, and it is difficult to not eat it every day. I am very impressed with Ibergour's website, and their service.

May 1, 2010
Rosa T.
Mieres, España
Estaba un poco saladaI was a little salty

A pesar de ser un producto de gran calidad, en esta ocasión la paletilla estaba un poco salada.

Despite being a high quality product, this time the shoulder was a little salty.

March 23, 2010
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Tiphaine G.
Paris, France
Exllecente épauleExllecente shoulder

Exllecente épaule, livraison rapide, RAS, ce fut parfait, site recommandé par des amis et recommandé à des amis qui ont également commandé.

Exllecente shoulder, fast delivery, SAR, it was perfect, a site recommended by friends and recommended to friends who also ordered.

March 18, 2010
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Daniele Z.
Leivi, Italia
Ottima come antipastoExcellent as an appetizer

Più dolce della spalla Joselito e ottima come antipasto da accompagnare a un vino rosso più leggero o magari anche a uno spumante.

Joselito softer shoulder and excellent as an appetizer to go with a lighter red wine or maybe even a sparkling wine.

January 22, 2010
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Vincent C.
Vincent C.
Paris, France
A recommanderWould recommend

Achat conforme à la description, livraison correcte, Produit de qualité sans défaut. A recommander.

Buy It fits the description, correct delivery, quality product without defects. Recommended.

January 20, 2010
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Luigi T.
Luigi T.
Villanova d'Asti, Italia
Ottima la qualità del prodottoExcellent product quality

Non avendolo consumato subito tutto posso dire che, anche con qualche settimana il Pata Negra ha mantenuto intatto il suo sapore. Buona anche la confezione con il porta prosciutto e coltello senza dei quali avrei avuto difficoltà nell'affettarlo.

Not having eaten all I can say now that even a few weeks the Pata Negra has retained its flavor. Good also leads the pack with the ham knife and without whom I had difficulty in affection.

December 17, 2009
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Tomás S.
Tomás S.
Frechen, Deutschland
Die ganze Familie war begeistertThe whole family was excited

Ein sehr guter Schinken. Wie beim Vorderschinken üblich eher etwas salzig, aber wir mögen das. Auf jeden Fall ein sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis und auch ein perfekter Service.

A very good ham. As with the usual ham rather brackish, but we like does this have in any case a very good value for money and perfect service.

December 14, 2009
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Lugo, España
Curación irregularIrregular Healing

De sabor perfecto, pero al ir cortándolo había zonas que estaban con distinto grado de curación, o muy curado o poco curado. Lo cual hizo el corte un poco incómdo y a la hora se comerlo las texturas eran muy diferentes dependiendo de donde proviniese el corte: zona muy curada o no. Un punto de decepción.

Perfect flavor, but as it was cutting areas that were in varying degrees of healing, or very little dried or cured. Which made the cut a bit incómdo hour and eat the textures were very different depending on where the cut came: very area healed or not. A point of disappointment.

December 10, 2009
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Xabier M.
Xabier M.
Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa
Demasiado buenoToo good

El jamon estaba muy bueno o demasiado bueno por el tiempo que duró, jeje, y como yo no soy un entendido en jamones pues nose que mas deciros.

The ham was very good or very good by the time it lasted, lol, and as I am not as savvy hams nose what else to say.

November 16, 2009
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London, United Kingdom
Much too salty

Much too salty and containing what feels like grains of sand all across the meat. A very disappointing product.

October 2, 2009