UK deliveries: 5-7 days, all customs expenses (~£21) are charged in advance (no extra payment upon receival)

Customers' reviews

Jamón Juviles Gran Reserva Ham

Jamón Juviles Gran Reserva Ham

Jamón Juviles Gran Reserva Ham

£180.247.75 to 9 kg jamones
Average rating:
56 reviews
Hanau, Deutschland
Guter SchinkenGood ham

zur Weihnachtszeit habe ich immer einen Schinken zuhause, dieses Jahr hatte ich mich für die Bestellung bei Ibergour entschieden, schnelle Lieferung, der Schinken ist geschmacklich wie geruchlich einwandfrei, nur für mein empfinden ist der Fettanteil doch etwas zu hoch.

I always have a ham at home at Christmas time. This year I decided to order from Ibergour. Delivery was quick and the ham tasted and smelled perfect. However, in my opinion the fat content was a bit too high.

December 21, 2024
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Roma, Italia
Veramente soddisfatto sia del prodotto che della serietà del distributire IbergourReally satisfied with both the product and the seriousness of the Ibergour distributor

Prosciutto ottimo. Conoscevo i prosciutti spagnoli, questo ne è un'ottima espressione. Buona la stagionatura e il sapore e la consistenza rispecchiano la descrizione del prodotto. Ibergour è un distributore serio, con attenzione al cliente dimostrata dal rispetto dei tempi di consegna. Il prosciutto arriva imballato perfettamente.

Excellent ham. I knew Spanish hams, this is an excellent expression of them. Good curing and the flavor and consistency reflect the description of the product. Ibergour is a serious distributor, with attention to the customer demonstrated by respecting delivery times. The ham arrives perfectly packaged.

December 8, 2024
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Prosciutto juviles Gran reservaGran reserva juviles ham

Ottimo prodotto ad un prezzo ottimo è la terza volta che lo compro
Stagionatura perfetta
Sapore eccellente
Privo di conservanti
Lo consiglio vivamente a chi vuole acquistare un buon prodotto senza spendere molto

Excellent product at an excellent price, it's the third time I've bought it. Perfect seasoning. Excellent flavour. Free from preservatives. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to buy a good product without spending a lot.

November 29, 2024
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Butzbach, Deutschland
Wie immer gutAs always good

Der Schinken ist eine wahre Gaumen Freude. Hervorragende Qualität, und ein perfekter Service.
Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Einkauf bei ibergour.
Viele Grüße aus Butzbach in Deutschland

The ham is a real treat for the palate. Excellent quality and perfect service. We are already looking forward to our next purchase from ibergour. Best wishes from Butzbach in Germany

August 24, 2024
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Portes les Valence,France
Trés bon produitVery good product

Un excellent jambon au goût et à l 'équilibre presque parfaits, à déguster sans modération....
et merci pour les cadeaux.

An excellent ham with almost perfect taste and balance, to be enjoyed without moderation.... and thank you for the gifts.

May 20, 2024
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J'ai déjà commandé ce jambon 3 ou 4 fois, et je n'ai jamais été déçue. Il est gouteux, sel très bien dosé, texture impeccable. Je le recommande +++, et n'hésiterai pas à le recommander encore un fois !

I have already ordered this ham 3 or 4 times, and I have never been disappointed. It is tasty, very well dosed salt, impeccable texture. I recommend it, and will not hesitate to recommend it again!

May 14, 2024
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Prosciutto Juviles G.R.Juviles GR ham

Prodotto tutto sommato buono, anche se presenta alcuni aspetti a mio parere non positivi. La parte inferiore è troppo fresca, non ha secondo me la stagionatura dichiarata di 24 mesi. Presenta inoltre molti grumi di sale, che danno al prosciutto un sapore eccessivamente sapido oltre che antiestetico.

All in all a good product, even if it has some aspects that are not positive in my opinion. The lower part is too fresh, in my opinion it does not have the declared maturation of 24 months. It also has many lumps of salt, which give the ham an excessively savory and unsightly flavour.

March 8, 2024
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Falko D
Chemnitz, D
Super SerranoGreat Serrano

Sehr schmackhafter Serrano Hinterschinken. Hat ein feines Aroma. Reichlich Schinken. Das Fleisch ist nicht zu trocken. Guter Preis, gut verpackt, schnell geliefert.

Very tasty Serrano ham. Has a fine aroma. Plenty of ham. The meat is not too dry. Good price, well packaged, delivered quickly.

February 6, 2024
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Guter Schinken, Preis-Leistungsverhältnis optimal.Good ham, optimal price-performance ratio.

Sehr großer leckeren Schinken. Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist perfekt.
Klar, dass mehr als 24 Monate gereift noch besser wäre aber wir sind absolut zufrieden.
Schnelle Lieferung!

Very large delicious ham. Price-performance ratio is perfect. Of course, aging for more than 24 months would be even better, but we are absolutely satisfied. Fast delivery!

December 19, 2023
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Buen jamónGood ham

Ya llevo comprados 4 jamones de estos, y en distintas fechas, y no tengo ninguna pega que poner; buena calidad, buen sabor, bien de sal, bien envasado. Sobre todo, lo más destacado es la ausencia de conservantes artificiales

I have already bought 4 of these hams, and on different dates, and I don't have any complaints to make; Good quality, good flavor, good salt, well packaged. Above all, the highlight is the absence of artificial preservatives

December 2, 2023
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Butzbach, Deutschland
Wie immer gutAs always good

Wir haben schon so manchen Schinken von Ihnen gehabt. Wie immer ist eine hervorragende Ware.
Wir reden wieder bei ihnen bestellen, und vielen Dank

We've had quite a few hams from you. As always, an excellent product. We're talking about ordering from them again, and thank you very much

November 23, 2023
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Nantes, france
Un bon coupA good hit

Pour le prix, pas facile de trouver mieux. 9,75kg, désossé en 4 morceaux. Rien à dire sur le conditionnement et la livraison. C'est mon 4 ème jambons sur le site, mais c'est pas le dernier. A bientôt

For the price, it's not easy to find better. 9.75kg, boned into 4 pieces. Nothing to say about packaging and delivery. This is my 4th ham on the site, but it's not the last. See you soon

November 9, 2023
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Havré, belgique

Jambon de qualité mais un peu gras reçu comme prévu. 100 pourcent pour la lettre qui annonce le départ de la livraison

Quality ham but a little greasy received as expected. 100 percent for the letter announcing the start of the delivery

September 7, 2023
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Fournes , Gard, France

Tres bon jambon, rapport qualité prix rien à redire, j'en recommanderais , à goûter absolument , livré rapidement, bien emballé, ni trop sec ni trop rouge,

Very good ham, value for money, nothing to complain about, I would recommend it, a must try, delivered quickly, well packaged, neither too dry nor too red,

September 3, 2023
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Pluvigner, France
Très bon rapport qualité prix !Very good value for money !

Le jambon est arrivé en 48h et a été très apprécié par nos amis pour notre semaine de vacances.

The ham arrived in 48h and was much appreciated by our friends for our week's vacation.

August 20, 2023
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Vieussan, France
produit conforme à notre attenteproduct meets our expectation

Nous avons appliqué vos recommandations pour le conserver sauf pour la température qui est particulièrement chaude en ce moment
le jambon transpire avec le gras mais tout va bien
légèrement trop salé
très gouteux et excellent
nous recommandons ce produit venant de Barcelone

We have applied your recommendations to keep it except for the temperature which is particularly hot at the moment. the ham is sweating with the fat but all is well. slightly too salty. very tasty and excellent. we recommend this product coming from Barcelona.

July 31, 2023
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Bourges, france
Très bon jambonVery good ham

J'ai acheté ce jambon pour une fête à la maison. Tous mes convives l'ont apprécié. Il est très bon, un côté plus sec plus rouge et un côté plus frais , rose, souple. Je ne regrette pas mon choix.

I bought this ham for a house party. All my guests enjoyed it. It is very good, a drier, redder side and a cooler, pink, supple side. I do not regret my choice.

July 19, 2023
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En Soria
La excelencia comercial y personalBusiness and personal excellence

Excelente calidad, acompañada de un no menos excelente trato personal al cliente.
El jamón es muy bueno, y la información adicional para sabarearlo, mejor todavía

Excellent quality, accompanied by no less excellent personal customer service. The ham is very good, and the additional information to taste it, even better

July 7, 2023
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Copenhagen, DK
Very taste serano

Have tried a number of different producers but this is my favorite. Intense taste and nice meat structure. Goes well with a lot of dishes including pasta

June 18, 2023
Muy buen jamónVery good ham

Es el segundo que compro e igual que el primero, muy rico y sin exceso de sal. Sin duda volveré a comprarles a ellos pues la entrega también ha sido en fecha y hora

This is the second one that I buy and the same as the first, very good and without excess salt. Without a doubt I will buy from them again because the delivery has also been on date and time

June 16, 2023
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Buono a metàHalf as good

Ottima la metà protetta dalla cotenna, immangiabile la metà protetta dalla sugna, ci vorrebbe l'affettatrice tanto è secca. Ma avendo l'osso non posso usare l'affettatrice. Peccato.

Half protected by the rind is excellent, half protected by the suet is inedible, it would take a slicer because it is dry. But having the bone I can not use the slicer. Sin.

May 11, 2023
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Bonn, Deutschland
Würziger und gleichzeitig milder Schinken!Tasty and at the same time mild ham!

Das erste Mal geschnitten und zu 100g kalkuliert verpackt bestellt. Hat sich gelohnt, auch in einen kleinen Haushalt ist so über Monate die gleiche Qualität gesichert.

Cut the first time and ordered a calculated pack of 100g. It was worth it, even in a small household, the same quality is ensured for months.

March 26, 2023
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Fucecchio Italia
Il mio prosciuttoMy ham

Devo dire che la consegna di questo prosciutto è stata veloce e oggi ho aperto il pacco ho sistemato il prosciutto sul supporto che era in omaggio e seguendo le istruzioni allegate ho iniziato ad affettare, bene sono molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto il prosciutto è molto buono e consiglio il suo acquisto.

I must say that the delivery of this ham was fast and today I opened the package I placed the ham on the support that was free and following the instructions attached I started slicing, well I am very satisfied with the purchase the ham is very good and I recommend its purchase.

March 18, 2023
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Muy ricoVery tasty

La verdad es que me sorprendió para bien. La calidad y el sabor hacen q el producto resulte económico. Lo he pedido en cuatro trozos y, tanto la presentación como el envasado, perfectos. Volveré a comprar

The truth is that it surprised me for good. The quality and flavor make the product economical. I have ordered it in four pieces and both the presentation and the packaging are perfect. I will buy again

March 18, 2023
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Butzbach, Deutschland
Beste QualitätBest quality

Sehr guter Schinken, beste Qualität, hervorragender Geschmack.
Alles bestens gelaufen gerne wieder. Sehr schneller Versand
Werde Sie mit sehr viel Lob weiter empfehlen.

Very good ham, best quality, excellent taste. Everything went well, gladly again. Very fast shipping. Will recommend you with lots of praise.

December 12, 2022
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Saint cloud
Jambon excellentexcellent ham

J'ai commandé à 2 reprises ce jambon (patte entière ou découpé en 4 morceaux). Il était excellent dans les 2 cas. La livraison s'est faite sans aucun soucis. Je recommande vivement !

I ordered this ham twice (whole leg or cut into 4 pieces). It was excellent in both cases. The delivery was made without any problems. I highly recommend !

July 3, 2022
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Campos martinez Jésus Manuel
Belgique Leval trahegnies
Achat de jambon Julives grand reservaPurchase of Julives grand reserva ham

Beaucoup de gou et facile à couper top, très bon service et top livraison toujours très content d ibergour

Lots of taste and easy to cut top, very good service and top delivery always very happy with ibergour

April 21, 2022
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A repeterTo repeat

J’ai voulu goûter le Serrano et pour l’essayer j’en ai acheté deux jambon d’origine différents
Sinceramente , je ne suis pas déçu de mon achat. La livraison à été très bien, à l’heure et bien emballée!
Le jambon. Oui très bon, et un rapport qualité/prix très correct.
Pas de critique sur ce produit mais devant le pata negra, pas de doute, particulièrement je préfère ce dernier au Serrano.

I wanted to taste the Serrano and to try it I bought two different original ham Sinceramente, I am not disappointed with my purchase. The delivery was very good, on time and well packaged! Ham. Yes very good, and a very good price / quality ratio. No criticism on this product but in front of the pata negra, no doubt, particularly I prefer the latter to the Serrano.

April 16, 2022
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Good but not worth it...

The ham came on time as expected. 2-3 cm of the interior part near the bone was totally fat-free, dry and hard as a rock so I had to trim it off.
Taste is nice, pleasant and not too salty. Marbling is okay too. Being preservative free gave some sense of a more natural product although I could not tell any visual or tasting difference to it.
Considering the price, I will much rather spend the same amount of money on a nice paleta iberica which has indeed less flavour complexities than jamon but overall it is a more homogenous, tasteful cured ham than this product.
Overall: Good but you can find better. Would not buy it again.

December 25, 2021
olaf. may
olaf. may

Seit vielen Jahren bestell ich zu den Feiertagen immer einen Hinterschinken. Das erste mal hier und ich muss sagen, dieser übertrifft alle bisherigen. Ihr habt einen Neukunden gewonnen. Jährlich gern wieder.

For many years I have always ordered a ham for the holidays. The first time here and I have to say, this one surpasses all previous ones. You have won a new customer. Every year again with great pleasure.

December 13, 2021
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London, UK
Great Jamon

It is not pata negra, but taste and smell and quality is perfect, it is like younge pata negra really, for a fraction of price.

October 24, 2021

Prosciutto ottimo, non è la massima qualità, ovviamente ero consapevole di aver scelto una qualità media. Ovviamente superiore a qualsiasi altro prodotto che conosciamo in Italia.

Excellent ham, not the highest quality, obviously I was aware that I had chosen a medium quality. Obviously superior to any other product we know of in Italy.

October 16, 2021
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Lucca, Italy
undoubtely good

very good packaging, machine-cut my choice, and excellent service but overall the Jamon is first class.
Very competitive price-wise with local products.

September 6, 2021
Très bon mais bien trop grasVery good but way too fatty

Très très bon, un gout vraiment extra, affinage et salage super ... mais il y a vraiment beaucoup trop de gras par rapport à d'autres jambons Serrano commandés sur le site Ibergour, donc beaucoup trop de perte sur cette pièce.
Je recommanderai d'autres jambons sur ce site ... mais pas celui-là.

Very very good, a really extra taste, great refining and salting ... but there is really too much fat compared to other Serrano hams ordered on the Ibergour site, so too much loss on this piece. I will recommend other hams on this site ... but not this one.

July 14, 2021
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Schneller VersandShipping faster

Schneller Versand, Schinken haben wir maschinell schneiden lassen.
Der Schinken weist "trockene Stellen" auf (ca. 1/4 der Scheibengröße), relativ hart und wenig appetitlich. Das ist Schade.
Sonst wäre der Schinken sehr lecker.

Fast shipping, we had the ham cut by machine. The ham has "dry spots" (about 1/4 the size of the slice), relatively hard and not very appetizing. This is a pity. Otherwise the ham would be very tasty.

April 25, 2021
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Guardialfiera CB
Meglio del previstoBetter than expected

Ottimo prosciutto non molto salato e stagionato perfettamente.
Spedizione veloce e assistenza clienti molto veloce.
Acquisterò di nuovo in futuro.

Excellent ham not very salty and perfectly seasoned. Fast shipping and very fast customer support. I will purchase again in the future.

April 8, 2021
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SoddisfattissimoVery satisfied

Non si ha mai la certezza in generale quando si compra via web
Ma con ibergour si fa centro
Prodotto rapporto prezzo qualità n 1
Consigliattisimo da 5 stelle

You never have the certainty in general when you buy on the web
But with ibergour you are the center
Product value for money n 1
5-star highly recommended

February 2, 2021
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Première expérience avec IbergourFirst experience with Ibergour

Rien à reprocher, livraison rapide, jambon très savoureux. Expérience à renouveler par contre je pense que je me laisserai tenter par un Pata N’égratigna.
Très bons conseils également sur le site ( découpe du jambon)

Nothing to complain about, fast delivery, very tasty ham. Experience to renew on the other hand I think I will be tempted by a Pata N'égratigna. Very good advice also on the site (cutting the ham)

January 28, 2021
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Zweierpack ohne ReueTwo pack with no regrets

Die Lieferung erfolgt prompt.
In Spanien sehr zügig; hier etwas schleppend. Ware ist vorbildlich in Pergamentpapier eingeschlagen und in einen Gewebesack gezurrt. Soweit schon perfekt.
Der Schinken ist somit sofort zum Verzehr geeignet und passt in übliche Jamoneras.
Sehr gut marmorierter Schinken, voller Geschmack, sehr viel Fleisch am Knochen, leicht zu schneiden, die Knochen lassen sich gut auslösen, etc.
Gut das wir zwei geordert haben; gerne wieder.
LG aus DE-53347

Delivery is prompt. Very quickly in Spain; a bit slow here. The goods are exemplary wrapped in parchment paper and lashed into a fabric sack. So far perfect. The ham is therefore immediately suitable for consumption and fits into common jamoneras. Verdict: Very well marbled ham, full of flavor, a lot of meat on the bone, easy to cut, the bones can be loosened easily, etc. It's good that we ordered two; gladly again. LG from DE-53347

December 22, 2020
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Rien à commenter.
Le produit est excellent et la livraison est rapide.
Encore merci pour tout en attendant la prochaine commande.

Nothing to comment on. The product is excellent and the delivery is fast. Thank you again for everything while waiting for the next order.

November 27, 2020
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Arpino Italia
Piena soddisfazioneFull satisfaction

Ho comprato 6 Jamon Curado Gran Reserva.
Sono spediti in soli 2 gg.
Mi hanno contattato tramite mail per definire la tipologia di confezionamento.
Prodotto veramente ottimo e gustoso
Acquisterò nuovamente

I bought 6 Jamon Curado Gran Reserva. They are shipped in just 2 days. They contacted me by email to define the type of packaging. Really great and tasty product.I will buy again Thanks

November 18, 2020
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Dieter Strathe
Dieter Strathe
55499 Riesweiler - Hunsrück
Sehr empfehlenswert !Highly recommended !

Seit vielen Jahren kaufen wir im Spätherbst einen solchen Schinken. Nachdem der von 2019 nicht so gut war, haben wir diesmal bei ibergour gekauft und sind sehr zufrieden.

We have been buying this type of ham in late autumn for many years. After the one from 2019 wasn't so good, this time we bought it from ibergour and are very satisfied.

November 6, 2020
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Really value for money!

This is an excellent ham at a very reasonable price.
Very tasty and - once you get below the first slices - very tender.
It arrived even earlier than announced.

October 26, 2020
Ludlow, Shropshire
An excellent jamon

While not Iberico, this jamon is really very tasty. Great length and depth of flavour and for the price excellent value. My one proviso is that, after opening the Jamon, you let it breathe for a day before eating.
Delivery was fast and communication excellent.
I’ve used this company before and will definitely continue to do so. Highly recommended.

September 27, 2020
Paolo Medda
Paolo Medda
Jamon serrano di Juviles

Delivery is very good. the ham not to bad , next time I will buy Pata Negra.

September 23, 2020
asasp France
un jambon serrano comme on aimea serrano ham as we like

Bjbs, nous avons trouvées se jambon formidable. Il n’était pas trop salé, juste se qu’il faut. On s’en régale encore. Le vieillissement est parfaitement réalisé, a consommer a tout heure sans modération jmC.

Bjbs, we found this ham to be wonderful. It wasn't too salty, just the right amount. We still enjoy it. Aging is perfectly achieved, to consume at any time without moderation jmC.

September 18, 2020
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Richard Årlin
Suecia, Stockholm
El mejor SerranoThe best Serrano

Sin duda el mejor Serrano que he probado hasta el día.

Without a doubt the best Serrano I have tasted to date.

August 7, 2020
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Wolfgang Scheibe
Wolfgang Scheibe
38644 Goslar
Erstklassiger SeranoFirst class Serano

Wir sind vom Serano begeistert. Der Serano schmeckt vorzüglich. Der gesamte Ablauf von der Bestellung bis zum Erhalt des Seranos war erstklassig.
Bis zum nächsten Mal.

We are thrilled with the Serano. The Serano tastes excellent. The entire process from ordering to receiving the Serano was first class. Until next time.

July 9, 2020
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Le produit est excellent, l'emballage super bien fait , la livraison parfaite dans les délais respectés, que dire de plus sinon bravo et merci.
Je connaissais le jambon serrano mais celui là est particulièrement succulent.
C'est une première pour moi que je rééditerai.
A bientôt

The product is excellent, the packaging super well done, perfect delivery on time, what more can I say, bravo and thank you. I knew Serrano ham but this one is particularly delicious. It is a first for me that I will reissue. See you soon

June 5, 2020
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Top SchinkenTop ham

Sehr guter Schinken.
gute Maserung. Lecker - bin kein Experte und es ist sicher kein Pata Negra.
Versand schnell und gut mit sicherer Verpackung.

Very good ham. good grain. Delicious - I'm not an expert and it is certainly not a pata negra. Shipped quickly and well with secure packaging.

December 16, 2019
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Sampans, France

Sans nitrure, Excellent et pas trop salé, je le recommande vivement, il est goutu et plaît à toute la famille

Without nitride, Excellent and not too salty, I highly recommend it, it is tasty and pleases the whole family

June 15, 2019
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Luca v.
Bella scopertaBeautiful discovery

Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo non molto salato carni ben marezzate e giusta quantità di grassi sono rimasto soddisfatto dal prosciutto in quanto senza spendere una follia ho fatto bella figura con i miei ospiti tutti soddisfatti

Excellent value for the price not very salty well-marbled meat and right amount of fat I was satisfied with the ham as without spending a folly I made a good impression with my guests all satisfied

January 2, 2019
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Janusz R. Guy
Janusz R. Guy
Warsaw, Poland

I was shopping for a moderately priced “Jamon Serrano” and that was the dominant reason why have I purchased “Jamon Juviles Alpujarra Gran Reserva Ham”. The ordering process was easy and transparent, so was the delivery. Right after my purchase, a courier’s link had been forwarded to me and that helped tracking the shipment. It had taken 6 days to arrive via land-transportation from Spain to Warsaw, Poland. Delivered to my door. The ham was well packed and well-handled throughout its transportation. I have ordered a rear-leg, weighting approximately 7.5 Kg with bones. The package included complimentary stand and a special cutting knife. My advice for future customers would be to get a proper stand for the leg with bones. I have a professional stand at home, so there were no problems. However, the complimentary one is simply too small for a rear leg (7.5 kg). It might be sufficient for a front leg (appx. 4.5 kg). The knife is also just O.K., if you are first time client. I also advise you getting a proper, sharp and flexible knife for a JAMON with bones in.
Overall experience was, nevertheless, good and the ham itself was excellent !!!
I will be certainly buying from IBERGOUR in a future

December 31, 2018
Eccellente rapporto qualità/prezzoExcellent quality / price ratio

E' un prodotto di basso prezzo, acquistato più che altro per curiosità (mi ha attirato il fatto che non ci fossero conservanti).
E' un prosciutto un po' fuori dallo schema del "solito" prosciutto spagnolo (non è e non può essere un 5J!), ma il rapporto qualità prezzo è a mio parere eccellente.
Sapore buono, senza "sviluppi" particolari nel palato, ma piacevole.
Secondo me, come prosciutto "facile", è perfetto: poca spesa, tanta resa.

It is a low-priced product, bought more than anything else out of curiosity (I was attracted by the fact that there were no preservatives). It's a ham a little out of the scheme of the "usual" Spanish ham (it's not and can not be a 5J!), But the value for money is in my opinion excellent. Taste good, without "developments" particular in the palate, but pleasant. In my opinion, as "easy" ham, it is perfect: little expense, so much yield.

December 13, 2018
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Sehr zu empfehlen.We recommend.

Sehr guter Schinken. Butterzart und mild. Unbedingt mit Halterung kaufen.
Perfekt zu Brot und Käse.
Wir kaufen in 2019 wieder bei Ibergour.

Very good ham. Buttery and mild. Be sure to buy with bracket. Perfect with bread and cheese. We will buy again in 2019 at Ibergour.

November 17, 2018
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Conor M
Conor M
Dublin Ireland
Very Happy

My Jamon arrived on time and I am delighted with it. Beautiful taste and fantastic flavour. I follow a Paleo diet and it is really hard to get cured meat of this quality with a good balance between fat marbling and protein meat - so I am very happy with it and well worth the money. Wonderful!!

October 11, 2018