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Customers' reviews

"Paleta" Señorío de Montanera (Shoulder Jamon)

Pata negra
"Paleta" Señorío de Montanera (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" Señorío de Montanera (Shoulder Jamon)

£196.894.75 to 6 kg paletillas
Average rating:
27 reviews

Cette épaule est délicieuse et très goûteuse, merci à Miguel et son équipe !! On en reprendra dès que possible.

This shoulder is delicious and very tasty, thanks to Miguel and his team!! We will start again as soon as possible.

July 18, 2024
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Domingo S.
Ibérico, como tiene que ser / wie er sein muss.Iberian, as it should be.

Perfekt, ich liebe diesen Schinken, wie Butter ;)
Was soll ich noch sagen, ich werde ihn wieder kaufen.
Me encanta este Jamón, sabroso, como mantequilla.
Eins zwei drei vier

Perfect, I love this ham, like butter ;) What more can I say, I will buy it again.

June 23, 2024
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Evreux, France
Excellente !Excellent!

Épaule pré-découpée en sachets de 6-8 tranches.Super pratique et se conserve longtemps.Excellente saveur fondante ! Un régal !!

Pre-cut shoulder in bags of 6-8 slices. Super practical and keeps for a long time. Excellent melting flavor! A delight !!

January 9, 2024
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Portes les Valence,France
trés bon produitvery good product

Epaule trés savoureuse ,peut être un peu grasse mais pas trop salée...trés bien je recommande.
En revanche ,j ai attendu pendant 3 jours le livreur GLS qui n est jamais venu et j ai été obligé d aller récupérer
le colis moi même dans leur service ...Dans ces conditions je ne suis pas certain de recommander si le transport est toujours assuré par ce livreur .

Very tasty shoulder, maybe a little fatty but not too salty... very good I recommend. On the other hand, I waited for 3 days for the GLS delivery man who never came and I was obliged to go and collect the package myself from their service... Under these conditions I am not sure to recommend if the transport is still provided by this delivery person.

December 18, 2023
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cette fois-ci je l'ai commandé coupé en tranches ; c'est très pratique et l'épaule ne sèche pas.

this time I ordered it cut into slices; It's very practical and the shoulder doesn't dry out. THANKS

November 25, 2023
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Nelle aspettativeIn expectations

Buonissimo. Essendo di altissima qualità è un peccato non consumare tutto il grasso con varie ricette. La paleta è più difficile da tagliare, prossima volta prenderò un prosciutto.

Very good. Being of the highest quality it is a pity not to consume all the fat with various recipes. The paleta is harder to cut, next time I'll get a ham.

February 18, 2023
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Alberto Márquez
Alberto Márquez
Todo estupendoall great

De lo mejor en ibéricos que he probado hasta la fecha, sabor intensísimo, bien de infiltración y además ecológica y sin aditivos. Pedido sin problemas, llegó incluso antes de lo previsto.

One of the best Iberian cured meats that I have tasted to date, very intense flavour, good infiltration and also organic and without additives. Order without problems, it arrived even earlier than expected.

November 3, 2022
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Christian Ramuschkat
Christian Ramuschkat
Der letzte war besserThe last one was better

Sehr wenig Fleisch fürs Geld. Der letzte Schinken hat die Hälfte gekostet und war besser. Ebenso war der eine Rand sehr trocken. Habe viel wegschneiden müssen.

Very little meat for the money. The last ham was half the price and was better. One edge was also very dry. Had to cut a lot.

February 12, 2022
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Konstant sehr gute QualitätConsistently very good quality

Wir kaufen diesen Schinken regelmäßig bei Ibergour. Die Qualität ist konstant sehr gut.
Wir sind langjähriger (10+Jahre) Ibergour Kunde. Wir schätzen die Zuverlässigkeit des Unternehmens.

We regularly buy this ham from Ibergour. The quality is consistently very good. We are longtime (10 years) Ibergour customer. We appreciate the reliability of the company.

February 10, 2022
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Estremamente soddisfattaExtremely satisfied

Siamo molto soddisfatti, ottima qualità e professionalità. Siamo clienti abbiamo già fatto qualche acquisto e appena possibile acquisteremo di nuovo. Il miglior sito per acquistare pata negra.

We are very satisfied, excellent quality and professionalism. We are customers, we have already made some purchases and as soon as possible we will buy again. The best site to buy pata negra.

October 23, 2021
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Orléans France
Très bon produitVery good product

Comme d'habitude ibergour fournit un produit d'excellence. L'emballage et la livraison sont impeccable.Le jambon est remarquable et son goût est exquis.

As usual ibergour provides a product of excellence. The packaging and delivery are impeccable, the ham is outstanding and the taste is exquisite.

August 14, 2021
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monza italia
prima esperienzafirst experience

Ho avuto modo di provare ed apprezzare per la prima volta il vostro prodotto ed il vostro servizio.
Sono assolutamente soddisfatto. La qualità della spalla era ottima ed il servizio molto attento e puntuale.
Consiglierò certamente il vostro sito....a presto!

I was able to try and appreciate your product and service for the first time. I am absolutely satisfied. The quality of the shoulder was excellent and the service very attentive and punctual. I will certainly recommend your site .... see you soon!

June 4, 2021
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Milano, Italia
Molto buono, ma decisamente caroVery good, but definitely expensive

Prosciutto dal gusto davvero buono, ma molto difficile da tagliare per trovare zone di prosciutto. Molto grasso. Il mio pezzo pesava circa 4kg e di prosciutto da mangiare, ne ho ricavato meno di un kg. Già il costo del prosciutto era elevato (+40€/kg), al netto di quanto consumato, il prezzo è stato +188€/kg. Davvero troppo.
Ho notato che, una volta iniziato a tagliare, sebbene la zona l’avessi coperta con un panno ad hoc, la volta successiva era molto più dura. Comunque, la qualità del prodotto non si discute. Chi vuole spendere molto e lavorare molto, si gusta un prodotto di alto livello.

Really good tasting ham, but very difficult to cut to find areas of ham. Very fat. My piece weighed about 4kg and of ham to eat, I got less than a kg. The cost of ham was already high (40 € / kg), net of what was consumed, the price was 188 € / kg. Really too much. I noticed that once I started cutting, although I covered the area with a special cloth, the next time it was much harder. However, the quality of the product is not in dispute. Those who want to spend a lot and work a lot, enjoy a high-level product.

January 24, 2021
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Sowohl der Schinken, als auch der Schnitt waren ausgezeichnet! Habe schon häufiger bestellt und war jedes Mal mehr als zufrieden.

Both the ham and the cut were excellent! Have ordered several times and was more than satisfied every time.

January 4, 2021
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peter girardi
Bregenz , Österreich
Ausgezeichnet !Excellent !

Ausgezeichneter Schinken, ausgelöst vom Knochen als ganzes Stück.
feiner Geschmack , farblich helles , sehr zartes Fleisch - muss ein gesundes , gut gefuttertes Schwein sein !

Excellent ham cut from the bone as a whole. fine taste, light-colored, very tender meat - a healthy, well-fed pig must be!

January 2, 2021
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Best "Paleta" ever

We have bought ham and shoulder several times from this company and this time it was really perfect. So pleased!

May 25, 2020
Cambridge, UK
Excellent cut

I had other "gourmet" paletas and jamones before, but it is hard to find a place that gets the cut right. Too many times the slices are too thick or too small, and this detracts from the tasting profile of the product.
I'm more than pleased that Ibergour got an excellent cut, with full slices cut very thinly. The paleta itself is of the highest quality, making this a super value for money.

March 26, 2020
Très bonVery good

Bon produit pas trop salé. Même la graisse est bonne. Tout le monde aime ce bon jambon. Je vais le probablement en reprendre ultérieurement.

Good product not too salty. Even the fat is good. Everyone loves this good ham. I will probably resume later.

May 25, 2019
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Arno Schäfer
Alpirsbach, Deutschland
Höchste ZufriedenheitHighest satisfaction

Sehr guter Geschmack, der typische, ganz spezielle Iberico-Geschmack, der den ganzen Mundraum ausfüllt; nicht zu salzig; leichtes Abschneiden; zarte und nicht trockene Scheiben; gute und wirksame Abdeckung mit den Fettscheiben möglich - wir essen noch daran.

Very good taste, the typical, very special Iberico taste that fills the whole mouth; not too salty; easy cutting off; delicate and not dry slices; good and effective coverage with the fat slices possible - we still eat it.

September 13, 2018
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Buon Prodotto,buona stagionaturaGood product, good seasoning

Sono soddisfatto buon prodotto ,nulla dà invidiare ad un prosciutto bellota,ottimo sapore e stagionatura , servizio di spedizione veloce e puntuale
Lo consiglio.

I'm satisfied with good product, nothing gives envy to a bellota ham, excellent flavor and seasoning, fast and punctual shipping service I recommend it.

June 28, 2018
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Georg Zanders
Georg Zanders
Bremen, Deutschland
Exzellenter Schinken - Prima ServicecExcellent ham - great service

Bio Vorderschinken Iberico Bellota Pata Negra von Bellota von Senorio de Montanera.
Dieser Schinken hat unsere hohen Erwartungen noch deutlich übertroffen. Der Schinken schmeckt exzellent: fein und intensiv zugleich, sehr aromtischer dabei natürlicher Geschmack, selbst in den Randbereichen nicht salzig sondern mild. Die Konsistenz ist sehr gut, der Schinken lässt sich auch sehr gut schneiden (auch Dank der informativen ibergour Anleitung).
Die Verpackung und Lieferung waren sehr gut und schnell, die Infos über den Versand- und Lieferstatus vorbildlich.
Alles Bestens - Gerne wieder.

Organic Ham Iberico Bellota Pata Negra of Bellota from Senorio de Montanera. This ham has clearly exceeded our high expectations. The ham tastes excellent: fine and intense at the same time, very aromatic and natural taste, even in the margins not salty but mild. The consistency is very good, the ham can also cut very well (also thanks to the informative ibergour instructions). The packaging and delivery were very good and fast, the information about the shipping and delivery status exemplary. All the best - gladly again.

January 3, 2018
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J'ai acheté une épaule de pata négra
Bon en goût mais très très gras tout au tour
Plus de 50% de gras une fois retiré ce gras et
L'os il reste à peine 1kg , 1,5 kg de viande
Je ne reproduirait pas l'expérience

Hello I bought a shoulder of pata negra Good in taste but very very fat all around More than 50% fat once removed this fat and the bone there is barely 1kg, 1.5 kg of meat I would not reproduce no experience

December 8, 2017
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René Stifter
René Stifter
Hartberg, Österreich
Fantastisch wie immer!Fantastic as always!

Wir bestellen seit Jahren regelmäßig bei iberogour und wurden bisher noch niemals enttäuscht - die Qualität stimmt, es wird schnell geliefert und die Bestellung erfolgt unkompliziert!
Diesesmal hatten wir einen Bio Iberico Pata negra, den wir zum erstenmal mit der Hand zuschneiden ließen (geschnitten wird normalerweise selber, wir sind bereits richtige Profis und haben auch richtig viel Spaß daran!), weshalb die Lieferung etwas länger als normal dauerte. Sehr bequem: Der Schinken wird portionsgerecht
80 - 100g vakuumiert und die Knochen werden zerteilt mit geliefert, für Suppen oder Eintöpfe.
Wir wollten einfal mal sehen, ob das Ergebnis dasselbe ist als bei uns - und ja, wir machen es perfekt! Immerhin kostet beim Vorderschinken das Schneiden per Hand €60.-!
Ich finde nur, man hätte das Etikett und die Banderole vom Schinken der Lieferung beilegen können, denn so muss man iberogour Blind vertrauen (nicht, dass wir das nicht täten), aber sicher ist sicher, die Schinken sind immerhin nicht billig!
Der Bio Bellota Iberico ist ein toller Schinken, sehr weich und dunkel in der Farbe, hat ein tolles nussiges Aroma und ist bei Raumtemperatur sehr ölig und auch durchzogen, wie es sein muss!
Es ist nur Schade, dass es mittlerweile als Geschenk nicht mehr das Olivenöl oder andere Goodies gibt: Nur mehr den € 10.- Euro Gutschein für die nächste Bestellung.
Denn wenn man selber schon alles daheim hat, gutes Schinkenmesser und Schinkenbock, braucht man das billige mitgelieferte Zubehör nicht mehr!

We order regularly for years at iberogour and have never been disappointed - the quality is right, it is delivered quickly and the order is uncomplicated! This time we had a Bio Iberico Pata negra, which we cut for the first time by hand (normally cut itself, we are already real professionals and have a lot of fun!), Which is why the delivery took a little longer than normal. Very convenient: The ham is vacuumed in portions 80 - 100g and the bones are cut with delivered, for soups or stews. We just wanted to see if the result is the same as ours - and yes, we make it perfect! After all, cutting the front ham by hand costs € 60.-! I just think you could have put the label and the banderole off the ham of the delivery, because that's how you have to trust iberogour blind (not that we do not), but for sure, the ham is not cheap! The organic Bellota Iberico is a great ham, very soft and dark in color, has a great nutty aroma and is very oily at room temperature and also crossed, as it must be! It is a pity that there is no longer a gift of olive oil or other goodies: Only the € 10.- Euro voucher for the next order. Because if you have everything yourself at home, good ham knife and hams, you do not need the cheap accessories supplied!

December 7, 2017
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in Tintern, UK

I decided myself to go with an organic Pata Negra and I have spent my money well.
It is expensive mind but I feel much better with it than previous ones I had bought in the past
Also it is the first time I bought it boneless: a treat.
It is a non stop slicing it every day, just one or two with grissini...(Italian bread sticks) and medium dry sherry!
The ham is nice, very soft with acceptable amount of fat all around (it is important): good news for spaghetti sauce...nothing is wasted! I also find it gives the feeling of something coming out of an old fashioned farmer in a Spanish farm, something special indeed!
I use a Japanese knives: this ham gives immense pleasure to cut in thin slices, it is at the end a ceremony at the table. As I said a bit expensive but it is worth it, also energetically the more I spend the better feelings I have in flavour, vibrations, taste ...this one is a real pleasure and i am glad I do not share it with anybody here in Wales: Greedy Italian client I might be! This was meant to be a corporate gift, never again!

June 6, 2017
Bigou Alain
Bigou Alain
un peu déçua little disappointed

délai de livraison respecté. très bien emballé . bien découpé au couteau.
par contre, je trouve les morceaux un peu trop fermes et je ne retrouve pas le fondant que j'avais tant apprécié il est vrai sur un jambon. Cela vient il qu'il s'agit d'une épaule ou bien de temps de séchage un peu trop long ?
Sinon le goût est là.
Pour mon prochain achat, je demanderai conseil par téléphone.

delivery respected. very well packaged. well cut with a knife. by cons, I find them a bit too firm and pieces I can not find the basis that I had enjoyed as it is true of a ham. This comes it that this is a shoulder or drying time too long? If the taste is there. For my next purchase, I ask advice by phone.

February 22, 2017
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Rien à dire, à la hauteur des attentes.., a recommander sans hésitation. Saveurs de noix , de noisettes voire du beurre... on ne s'en lasse pas

Nothing to say, the expectations .., to recommend without hesitation. nut flavors, hazelnut butter or ... we can not get

November 20, 2016
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Iberico bellota pata negraIberico bellota pata negra

bereits die zweite Lieferung von
unkomplizierte Bestellung, schnelle Lieferung und gute Qualität
werde sicher wieder bestellen.
Manchego und Lomo gibt es leider keinen über ibergour, wäre für mich auch interessant

already the second delivery of easy ordering, quick delivery and good quality will certainly order again. Manchego and Lomo unfortunately there is no over ibergour, for me would be also interesting

September 5, 2016
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