Hams and shoulders are not packed in individual cartons. We place all the items you purchase in the smallest possible number of cartons to save on shipping costs. If you prefer having them packed in a different way, email us at info@ibergour.com indicating how many hams/shoulders you want, where you want them shipped and how you want them packed. We will calculate the additional cost of shipping according to your indications.
We ship the whole ham wrapped in grease-free paper and an outside cloth wrapper, all encased in a plastic bag for maximum hygiene. When you receive it, take it out of the bag and remove all the wrapping. You can keep it hung by the string at room temperature for up to 6 months before starting it. Once cutting has started, consume it in 1-2 months.
We remove the rind and the bone, cutting it into as many parts as you wish, and vacuum wrap each piece separately. We leave only the edible fat (ready to slice and serve).
We slice your entire ham and wrap the slices in 100-gram vacuum packs, separating them with plastic strips for easier serving.
We can slice the ham by machine (+£30.10) or with a knife (+£64.86).
Noblanza is a ham with the meticulous quality characteristic of the firm of Sánchez Romero Carvajal:
Iberian pigs feed on the open range and eat as much as 400 kg of acorns and 400 kg of grass during the fattening period.
Noblanza surpasses the standards set by the Quality Standard (Royal Decree 1083/2001) for breed, diet and processing times.
Sánchez Romero Carvajal Jabugo S.A. was founded in Jabugo (Huelva province) in 1879. It is one of the most prestigious companies in the sector and makes some of the most highly prized hams in the world. The quality of the end product is guaranteed by purebred Iberian pigs and the exceptional microclimate in the area around Jabugo, together with extreme care in processing and preserving.
Sánchez Romero Carvajal has exported its products to all of Europe since 1996. Its quality assurance and environmental management methods meet the ISO 9001 and 14001 Standards and are SGS certified.
Tercer año consecutivo y sin hacer experimentos. Bueníssimo. Espero que este año salga igual.A veces no es necesario dejarse llevar por los precios o por la clasificación de bellota, cebo y recebo sino repetir las experiencias positivas. Execelente.
Third consecutive year without doing experiments. Very good. I hope this year comes igual.A may not be necessary to get carried away by the prices or the classification of Acorn, and Acorn bait but replicating them. Execelente.
The slicing of a ham with a knife is part of the genuine, quality Iberico ham tasting experience. It is a simple process too, with the right equipment. Nevertheless, certain safety measures should be observed.
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